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Sensor Test Units


Senseeker Sensor Test Units are established as industry standard essential equipment in laboratories across the United States. Nearly thirty years of heritage and design excellence has culminated in a product line that is reliable, robust and easy to use. Three types of Sensor Test Units are available: Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) Dewar Cryostats, Closed-Cycle Cryostats and Thermoelectric Units.


Sensor Test Units support 68, 84, 100 and 124 pin LCC packages, and configurations are available for infrared focal plane arrays from most major suppliers. Custom configurations are also available. The Sensor Test Unit does not include the FPA. A range of accessories for Senseeker Sensor Test Units are available including lids, off-the-shelf and custom daughter boards and additional interface cables.


LN2 Dewar Cryostats


Closed-Cycle Cryostats


Thermoelectric STUs







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Sensor Test Units

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